Ethically Sourced We carefully selected small, traditional farms to grow and source our green coffee. We take pride in sourcing traceable, arabica coffee that is single origin and high quality. We purchase through producers who focus on quality, sustainability, support farmers, market access, and premium prices for farmers.
Small BatchThe beauty of small-batch roasting is that we’re able to precisely duplicate the same flavor profiles in each roast to ensure that every time you order, you’re receiving the same high quality, perfectly roasted coffee that you love. One of the benefits of being a small-batch roasting company is that we are able to evaluate each bean with every single batch to ensure only the best is roasted.
Freshly RoastedEvery time you order our coffee, it comes from a small batch that we’ve freshly roasted. We want to make sure that the orders are freshly roasted and delivered to you as soon as possible, so you can enjoy the coffee while it’s at its peak freshness. When you receive our coffee you’ll find the date on which it was roasted on as well as some detailed information on the type of coffee you ordered, and where it came from.
Explore our featured single origin coffees here.